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Mental Health : Health & Medical
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Treatment Options
People who suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) have repetitive thoughts and behaviors. Even though they are aware that the repetition is uncalled for, it is something they simply cannot control. If they don't perform their rituals then they experience excessive anxiety.
Tutorial on Neurolinguistic Programming
All individuals are born with the same basic neurophysiology, and all our activities, both physical and cognitive, depend on how we control our nervous systems. Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is devoted to learning how to think and communicate more effectively, both internally and with others.
How the Higher Mind Can Create Healing Miracles
When I was sixteen, I saw a flyer at a bus stop. It said, "Did You Know That the Mind Can Heal?" I picked up the flyer and took it home, and I distinctly remember my feeling of awe. I knew that this was something I wanted to dive into and discover its secrets.
Dealing With Panic Attacks Night and Day Can Be Very Stressful
If you are a person who experiences panic and anxiety attacks, then you are well aware of how stressful it can make your life. It is very hard to live with panic attacks night and day because you never know what type of situation or environment will trigger the attack.
Prediction of Violent Behavior in an Acute Psychiatric ICU
Threatening and violent behavior by psychiatric inpatients are major concerns. Are there identifiable clinical and environmental factors that might be predictive of aggressive incidents?
The Best Ways to Keep Your Brain Healthy
How can you keep your brain healthy if you have suffered a brain injury or are trying to protect your brain against the effects of aging? There are many ways you can do this.
How To Understand ADD and ADHD
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) also is commonly known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD). The name ADD was changed to AD/HD in 1994. However, the term continues to describe symptoms that do not include hyperactivity. People affected by this condition find it difficult to concentra
Controlling Panic Attacks With Meditation
Controlling panic attacks is no easy task.You may have all the techniques in the world, ready to take on the next attack that hits and still suffer a panic attack just as bad as the last.This is the exact thing so many people complain about, they say the relaxation exercises they have just don'
Spiritual Healing at a Spa
While some spas focus on physical and mental health, there are other spas that focus on spiritual health. Spiritual spas encourage their visitors to pursue a spiritual journey of introspection and reflection by participating in the activities that are available during their spa visit. The types of a
All the Ways to Quit Smoking
The American Cancer Society estimates that more than 43 million adults still are smoking cigarettes. Although cigarette smoking has been on the decline in recent years, due in part to increased education about the health risks it presents, smoking is still a prevalent part of U.S. society. Smokers
Negativity is Contagious, Are You Immune?
We all like to think that we make our own decisions based on our own beliefs and opinions. But, just how much do other people's opinions affect our own? Negative outside feedback provided a stronger influence than positive outside feedback.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Hoarding and How You Can Stop Your OCD Permanently!
Obsessive compulsive disorder hoarding is an experience that can be draining. Have you seen on the TV show "Obsessed" how this one guy had his apartment filled to the ceiling with garbage because he would not throw away anything?
5 Tips When Experiencing an Anxiety Attack - Hang in There
Anxiety attacks affect six million Americans a year. When an attack comes on, your heart begins racing and you are gripped by overwhelming fear and the irrational sense that you are dying. You may have ...
Description of a Drug & Alcohol Counselor
A drug and alcohol counselor helps drug addicts and alcoholics recover from their addictions. To become a counselor, you have to have a master's degree. A license is also generally required. Drug and alcohol counselors often gets involved with educating their communities, and can be employed in a va
Emotional Roller Coaster - Time To Get Off It And Live A Much Happier Life
Unfortunately when we ride an emotional roller coaster, the downward swings are the worst. That is usually caused when other people make us feel bad. That could be a sarcastic remark, labelling us, calling us names and so on.
Anxiety Scope and Mode of Treatment
Anxiety in small amounts is common in everybody. Nervousness before an important event or feeling worried about an important presentation at office the next day is normal for most people. However, when anxiety threatens to disrupt normal life activities or starts to hamper quality of living it is ti
5 Suggestions For Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Well-Being
I recently came across a quote that has stayed with me for days now. The quote is: "choice, not chance, determines your destiny... happiness and love are just a choice away." I think that so often we allow our emotions to be dictated by what goes on around us and outside us. I allowed this
The Benefits Associated With ADHD Behavioral Treatment
There are many benefits associated with ADHD behavioral treatment. Until recently, stimulant based medications were considered to be the best treatment for children that suffered from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
How is Ativan Used in the Treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder?
Ativan is a benzodiazepine used in the treatment of anxiety disorders and short-term anxiety.
I Have a Mental Illness - Discovering ADHD
I have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. ADHD. This is my story.